The website for the warrenwalks walkers.


We met at Barry and Rosemary's cottage which is situated on a very narrow road some distance from Presteigne. 

Everyone arrived on time, although there were mutterings which included tractors, hedge trimming and combine harvesters.

The cottage enjoys fine views which became apparent once we started walking.

On the Offa's Dyke LDP the remains of the earthworks are clearly visible. Unfortunately Rosemary, who was leading the walk did not. Hey ho, no worries we will follow Barry. However when asked where his pleasant woodland path was heading a reply of "somewhere" prompted a call to locate the rest of the group.

We were re united without too much delay.

The second deviation from the route was planned and whilst most continued onto Roshock Hill, in the background of the picture below, a dew of us climbed to the top of Herrock Hill.

There was a beautiful bench at the top where Andy took a picture, but we had no time to enjoy it as we did not want to lose contact with Rosemary again!

The 360 degree views from the top were magnificent.

A united group enjoyed lunch with a view.

The group now included Larissa, neighbour and friend of Rosemary and Barry. She guided us towards her farm at the hamlet of Knill.

We descended through woods with Herrock Hill above us.

They are very keen on carved seating in these parts and this Welsh dragon had to be photographed.

And again with the group on board.

Knill is very pretty and the church sits amid woodland which was further improved by the sunshine we were enjoying.

A visit to Larissa's garden revealed a pool in which Rosemary swam in her younger days.

Back on the Dyke with the end almost in sight. 

Back at the cottage tea and cakes were consumed, thanks to the bakers. Discussions regarding the distance walked depended on the number of the optional deviations taken, but I can confirm that if both were included the distance was just short of ten miles.

Thankyou Rosemary and Barry, an excellent day out.